Mission Statement
Our School Vision, Mission Statement and Motto
A vision is the school's goal—where we hope to see OLOL in the future.
The mission statement provides an overview of the steps planned to achieve that future.
As a school, we took the name of our school as the basis of the mission statement and we created the following vision and mission statement.
At OLOL we call the potential of all into being
At OLOL we know and proclaim the God within
At OLOL we act for the common good
Mission Statement
At OLOL we call the potential of all into being
- We hold life as sacred and God given
- We strive for excellence
- We enable resilience and independence
- We nurture the potential in ourselves and others
At OLOL we know and proclaim the God within
- We strive to show God’s word through all we do and say
- We value the uniqueness of each individual
- We embrace life fully, trusting in God’s love
At OLOL we act for the common good.
- We strive to always make a positive difference, however small, to the world
- We grow into a sense of social responsibility
- We model relationships based on mutual respect, trust and compassion
At the heart of our vision and mission statement is the idea that we are all made in the image and likeness of God; that every individual has a God given gift and that we are to use this gift – recognise it and use it.
At OLOL we want our children to discover and develop their gifts (whatever they may be) and fulfil their potential to the best of their ability.
As the adults in the school community, we too have a responsibility to do this and will act as role models. We are striving for a school where the children, and adults, strive for excellence.
From the vision, we also have created a motto/strap line.
At OLOL we call the potential of all into being
At OLOL we know and proclaim the God within
At OLOL we act for the common good
We took the three key words written in bold to create a school motto, which is as follows;
School Motto
In God, we are, we know, we act