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Collective Worship

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School believe that collective worship is an important part of a Catholic school’s distinctive ethos. Collective Worship allows us, as a school community to explore and understand the values at the heart of the ethos of our school, that we are made in the image and likeness of God; that every individual has a God given gift and that we are to recognise it and use this gift.

During the school day, Collective Worship allows pupils a space and time to reflect on following Jesus Christ as our role model. Pupils are encouraged to be actively involved and engaged in daily worship. This can be class prayer, a Key Stage assembly or whole school liturgy/ Mass. It is crucial to the spiritual life of the school and to pupils’ moral and spiritual development.

A ‘liturgy’ is any form of public worship within the Catholic community, and it takes many different forms, from group prayer to celebration of the Mass, the most important liturgy of the Catholic Church.

Prayer is traditionally described as raising the mind and heart to God, or listening to and speaking to God. At Our Lady of Lourdes children experience prayer as they use a formula (eg. Sign of the Cross) and traditional prayer (eg The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary). They are encouraged to create spontaneous prayers (expressing their thoughts and needs). Children have the experience of prayers of petition, thanksgiving, praise, intercession, penance, also mediation/ contemplation (eg Lectio Divina, Examen, Rosary).                                                       

Classroom Worship

Children participate in class based prayer at key times throughout the day including morning, before lunch, after lunch and at home time.                                                                                        Each class has a prayer focus reflecting either the current topic studied or the liturgical year.

Child- led Liturgy

Each week different children in every class, prepare and lead their class in worship. In EYFS and KS1 the children are guided by the teacher to do this. In KS2 the children independently plan and prepare a liturgy.

Teacher- led Liturgy

Teachers organise or support daily acts of worship (liturgical prayer) in the class.

Gospel Assembly

There is an assembly every Wednesday, in which the whole school gathers to hear the word of the Lord. The children then reflect on how they can respond to the message given in the Gospel reading.

Hymn Practice

There is a weekly singing session on Monday, with the children learning hymns/ songs of praise to sing at Mass and for Collective Worship.

Celebration Assembly

Every Friday there is a whole school assembly to celebrate the achievements of the school that week, with children awarded class certificates and stickers to the dinner hall/ Golden table stars.

Whole school Masses

Throughout the school year, the Sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated in the school hall. Children also attend daily Mass in the local parish churches. Non-Eucharistic liturgy – e.g.: Remembrance, Reconciliation, lighting of Advent candles etc. are also honoured. Children help to lead the Mass with reading, acting, singing, altar serving, reflections and participating in the Offertory Procession. Parents and guardians are invited to Masses.

Home- school links                                                                                                                               

Every child has the opportunity to pray with their family e.g. using the Seesaw online Holy Week Prayer activities.

Click here for prayer activities at home