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Diocese of Westminster

Our Lady of Lourdes is part of the Diocese of Westminster.                                                           

The Diocese of Westminster is divided into 20 deaneries (in London, Hertfordshire and Surrey) and these are supported by the Education Service.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols

Vincent Nichols is the 11th Archbishop of Westminster.

Born in Crosby, Liverpool, on 8th November 1945, Vincent Nichols studied for the priesthood at the Venerable English College in Rome from 1963 to 1970.

He was ordained priest in Rome on 21st December 1969 for the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

On 21st May 2009 he was installed as the Archbishop of Westminster following the retirement of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

He received the Pallium (an ecclesiastical vestment) in Rome from Pope Benedict XVI on 29th June 2009, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.

On 22nd February 2014, he was created Cardinal Priest by Pope Francis in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. He was designated the titular Church of St Alphonsus Liguori, a neo-Gothic church that is in the care of the Redemptorists.

He is patron of a number of Catholic charities including the Passage and the Cardinal Hume Centre.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols is the First teacher, responsible for providing sufficient Catholic Education in the Diocese, also for the supervision and inspection of all Catholic schools.     Inspectors report to and advise the Archbishop on the quality of Religious Education and the school as a Catholic community.

Bishop John Sherrington – North London

Bishop John Sherrington was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Nottingham in 1987.

He was ordained as an Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and Titular Bishop of Hilta on 14th September 2011.                                                                                                              

Bishop Sherrington has responsibility for the pastoral care of the parishes and deaneries of North London.