International Links
June 2023
On Wednesday 21st June, we had a wonderful International Day which began with a true celebration of our multicultural community. Children from Reception to Y6 participated in our International Day assembly; we had children singing in Polish, German, Kenyan and Nigerian. Thank you to all the parents who supported the event and served food after school. Thank you also to the parents who visited classes to share stories and songs from their countries.
International Day
April 2022
On April 6th - 13th, a number of staff from OLOL took part in an Erasmus + training course in Madrid and Salamanca, Spain. The aim was to share good practice, work with our partner school in Madrid and increase staff confidence and competence in our Spanish teaching. Staff were also able to access the wealth of cultural landmarks in Madrid and Salamanca to promote the use of Spanish in our curriculum in OLOL. They observed and taught in a Spanish school and spent two days completing a Spanish Europass language course. This opportunity will benefit staff when teaching Spanish and we are currently working on ideas for Spanish projects with our partner school Colegio La Presentación de Nuestra.
Erasmus trip to Salamanca and Madrid
Year 5 enjoyed a great zoom meeting with their Spanish partner school, Colegio La Presentación de Nuestra. Our children shared some videos of our local area and compared it to those in Madrid. They were able to practise some of their Spanish vocabulary and ask the children questions. The children also sent Christmas cards in December and some of our staff will be visiting Colegio La Presentación de Nuestra in April.
January 2022
Some of the staff at OLOL will be taking part in the Erasmus+ Programme 2022 Key Action 101. This will enable a number of teachers to visit Spain for staff development. The project will support us to improve the Spanish language competence of staff and also the quality of learning for our pupils. We are also developing our links with our partner school in Spain and will take part in a number of online activities.
To support our global and international learning 2019-2020, EYFS have joined the 'Learning through Landscapes' website. They are taking part in their Global Homes activities.
This is a very practical approach to enable pupils to reflect upon how the physical environment influences land use including the types of settlement that people occupy. Across the globe people live in a whole range of homes which are appropriate to their particular environmental conditions, wealth and local resources. These activities can therefore also lead to discussions on climate change, sustainability and equity.
This year, Y4 and Y6 will be working with our partner school in Spain (The United States College of Madrid) to improve our Spanish vocabulary and learning through a variety of eTwinning projects.
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be lucky enough to have a parent volunteer come to our Spanish lessons. She will work with small groups and have conversations with the children in Spanish to see what they know/understand. It will include hello/how are you/age/brothers/sisters etc.