Religious Education 3 Year Overview
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Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact
At OLOL we have developed a curriculum which has a clear purpose and is focused around a love for learning. We aim to ensure that learning is bespoke to the needs of our learners and demonstrates a strong understanding about specific needs to succeed in life. Our curriculum is based on the school mission statement.
The School Mission Statement
At OLOL we call the potential of all into being
At OLOL we know and proclaim the God within
At OLOL we act for the common good
Curriculum Intent - What are we trying to achieve here with, and through, the curriculum?
At OLOL we call the potential of all into being
To develop the behaviours learners need to succeed in the world such as concentration, resilience, perseverance, imagination, co-operation, the enjoyment of learning, self-improvement and curiosity.
Over and above any of our national curriculum learning, we promise holistic childhood experiences throughout their journey at OLOL. When planning our curriuclum we considered the social and economic backgrounds of our families.
To develop the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum and beyond, so that children can flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, physically and artistically. We ensure our curriculum caters for the needs of all our pupils and that the learning experiences for each subject are sequences to reinforce learning and build connections.
Our teachers plan a wide variety of offsite educational visits, including residentials. Visitors are also invited into school as a way of enhancing subject knowledge and providing the learners with real life experiences.
At OLOL we know and proclaim the God within
Teachers design learning opportunities that look for ways to develop good learning behaviours. At OLOL, we understand that learning about learning helps us to be better learners! In our curriculum, we ask learners to look for ways to develop concentration, perseverance, imagination, co-operation, the enjoyment of learning, self-improvement and curiosity.
At OLOL, when learners are showing great learning behaviours, we award certificates for this in our regular celebration assembly.
At OLOL we act for the common good
When planning the curriculum teachers think not just about what learners should learn and how they should learn it, but also how they can bring in an understanding of morality and the wider world; this helps us understand our place in the world. We work with local community groups such as visiting the local residential home, working with local charities, collecting and raising money for charities, working with other schools in Barnet.
We aim to increase our learner’s engagement with activities that benefit other members of the community and beyond. We learn about different faiths and cultures developing our understanding of tolerance and respect.
Curriculum Implementation - How do we teach the children?
Our mission statement is the drive behind our actions. By ensuring we think about what we learn, who we are when we are learning, how we act when we learn and who we are in the world, we build happy, resilient, successful, good citizens. Our implementation plan ensures our curriculum keeps us focussed on these areas.
We have the National Curriculum and our teaching of Religious Education which we use as a starting point, and embellish and deepen further as a school but at the heart of this is learners being exposed to quality experiences and lessons and to develop independent thinking. We teach based on where the children aer, despite what might have been planned and we revisit previous learning - if needed.
Educational visits and enrichment clubs allow learners even greater opportunities to find and develop their individual interests and personal talents. Visitors and parents coming into school to help at regular opportunities bolsters our offer and deepens experiences further.
Curriculum Impact - What do we hope will be the impact of our curriculum and how do we measure it?
The learner is at the centre of curriculum and makes teachers think "What will the experience be for the learner and how can we make the absolute most of each element?"
Our curriculum ensures our learners who can think for themselves, be resilient and face challenges with strategies to overcome and progress.
We strive to ensure that our children’s attainment is in line with or exceeding their potential when we consider the varied starting points of children. We wish for our children to be academically and physically prepared for life in secondary school and in Modern Britain and the world.
Our learners will have fully rounded characters with a clear understanding of complex values like equality, friendship, trust and many others. Only by really learning what these mean will our learners be able to develop a character that prepares them for living in the community demonstrating tolerance and equality. We measure this not just by the work our children produce, but in the behaviours we see each and every day in all learners on the playground, in corridors, in the classrooms etc. with their peers, staff and visitors.