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Parent and School Association (PSA)

About the PSA

Our Lady of Lourdes has a thriving Parent & School Association, with a community of parents passionate about being part of school life. The PSA is a charity ( 293175) and is run by a committee of volunteer parents, working with teachers.

Building a community

We organise a range of fun activities across the school year – we want to build a strong sense of community between parents, children and teachers. Regular events have included a Christmas Fayre with Santa’s grotto, a Halloween disco, an Easter egg hunt, a summer BBQ and movie nights. 


We aim to raise funds to support the school. The  committee decides how the money is spent - in the past few years they have been proud to fund a new playground at the front of the school. We have also supported building and maintenance projects to upgrade the school learning environment. In 2020 a new ICT suite was installed. 

Getting involved

We welcome all parents and teachers to get involved with the PSA in whatever capacity – some help at or support events, some take on a particular task, others join the committee – it all helps. Parents often find they contribute in different ways over the years their children are in the school.

If you are interested in finding out more, just come along to one of the regular PSA meetings – these are advertised in the school newsletter – or email

The Committee

The Committee is selected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which usually happens at the beginning of the school year in September.  All parents are invited to come along to hear about the work of the PSA and the money raised.  

Class reps

The PSA recruits a class representative for each year group, known as a class rep. The class rep keeps in touch with the committee and shares any relevant information with the parents (often through a WhatsApp group). The rep coordinates the parents of their class in supporting events – e.g. they may be allocated running Santa’s Grotto or running a stall.


 Links with local businesses

We work with local businesses. We also have dozens of businesses who donate prizes to our popular raffles. If you are a local business looking to raise your profile with families in Finchley, please kindly contact

Thank you as always for your ongoing support!