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Click here to view Nursery & Reception phonic meeting presentation 

Click here to view Year 1 & 2 phonic meeting presentation 

The teaching of Phonics   

Progression in reading is enhanced through the explicit teaching of synthetic phonics. Phonics teaching begins in Nursery and is taught daily for a minimum of twenty minutes, from Nursery through to Year 2.

Children are taught phonics following the systemtatic synthetic phonics programme 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds'. Additional material from websites and published schemes may also be used to enhance learning and enjoyment. Teaching is largely done using a whole class approach; however, smaller groups may be taught by teachers and/or adults working in the school based on the needs of the children. Where possible, intervention groups are used to help children who are making slower progress to catch up. This may continue into Key Stage 2.

Phonic Resources:

Click here for the Little Wandle Power point for Parents





 Click here for a parents and carers guide to pronouncing phonemes  

Assessment of Phonics

Year 1 take part in National Phonics Screening at the end of Year 1. They are given practice Phonics tests in order to accurately assess who has reached the acquired standard. Children who do not pass the test are retested in Year 2. These children may then be targeted for additional phonics interventions, e.g. Toe by Toe.