Pupil Leadership
Pupil Leadership
At Our Lady of Lourdes we believe that every child has the right to be heard and to be included in decisions at the school that involve and affect them. This right is set out in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child.
We aim to accomplish this by allowing children to have a ‘voice’, hearing and valuing their opinions and ideas. This helps to develop pupils’ recognition of themselves as worthwhile individuals with a right to be heard. We believe that feeling valued helps to develop and promote self-confidence, social skills, responsible behaviour towards each other and towards teachers and adult members of staff.
Through the various councils and activities the children are involved in, we help develop the pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of how to contribute to society as a whole and what it means to be an active citizen.
Here are the activities and councils that develop pupil leadership skills at Our Lady of Lourdes:
School Council
We believe the school council plays an important role in providing opportunities for our pupils to become partners in their own education and make positive contributions to the school environment and ethos. At the start of the school year, one child from each class is elected by their classmates as their school council representatives. The role of the school council representative is to represent their year group members at school council meetings. They are also ‘ambassadors’ for the school for events with members of the public.
Our school council children this year are:
Rec: Nandi
Y1 Ziva
Y2 Klara
Y3 Kara
Y4 Dilan
Y5 Nina
Y6 Natalia
Click here to read the latest school council meeting minutes.
Mini Vinnies
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Today the SVP continues its strong links with young people through the development of its Mini Vinnies programme. Mini Vinnies are a group of children aged between 7 and 11 who are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible 'Vincentians for life'. The Mini Vinnies meet regularly to organise, and talk about, helping others in need within the school community and beyond.
This year's Mini Vinnies are:
Santino, Naldo, Matylda, Ophelia, Mikey, Nico and Melissa.
On Tuesday 9th November, the Mini Vinnies took the remaining Harvest Festival food donations to the Finchley Foodbank at St. Mary’s Church. They spent time learning about how the foodbank is organised and where the donations come from; a huge thank you to Mrs Maughan for spending time talking to the Mini Vinnies and answering all of their questions.
Mini Vinnies Food Bank