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Rights Respecting School


UNICEF Rights Respecting School 

What is the “Rights Respecting Schools Award”?

The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos.  A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between pupils and adults, between adults and between pupils.

The RRSA is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.

The RRSA seeks to put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s ethos and culture to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.  A rights-respecting school is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted.  Young people and the school community learn about children’s rights by putting them into practice every day.

Bronze Award

It is an exciting time for Our Lady of Lourdes; we have embarked on our RRSA journey and have achieved the Bronze award! We are now working towards Silver and we really hope that you will be able to support us in achieving this.

To find out a bit more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child please visit: 

For further information about Rights Respecting Schools please visit: