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Special Educational Needs and Disability

Our Lady of Lourdes is proud to be an inclusive school working in partnership with children, parents and staff to meet the individual needs of our pupils.  We believe that all children can make progress and learn and have the right to receive a broad and balanced curriculum which is also relevant and meaningful.

We believe in equal opportunities for all children.  We ensure that all teachers are aware of the needs and requirements of their pupils and plan and differentiate accordingly.  For some children this will mean the school making special provision to meet their individual needs.  

Our policy and report, available on the website, reflect the school’s commitment to inclusion and outline what Our Lady of Lourdes can offer children with special educational needs.

If you would like more information about our Special Educational Needs Provision, please contact Ruth Newmark   T: 020 8346 1681    E:

Our Lady of Lourdes SEND Information Report

SEND Policy January 2023

Accessibility Plan June 2021

The London Borough of Barnet 'Local Offer' (facilities available in Barnet)